Frequently Asked Questions

The following information should answer your most common questions, but if you still need assistance please call 330-424-1479 or visit our contact page for more information.

Child Support FAQs

Who is eligible to receive Child Support Services?
You are eligible for services if you are a resident of Columbiana County and/or have a support order in Columbiana County. Some services require a IV-D application. Anyone who receives cash assistance is automatically eligible for services. All services are available at no cost.
I’m applying for Cash Assistance. Will that affect my Child Support?
Yes, if you receive cash assistance your support payments will be sent to the state. If you don’t have a support order you are required to cooperate with CSEA to establish an order.
What is the Administrative Processing Fee?
The Administrative Processing Fee is a 2% fee charged monthly on orders that are maintained by the CSEA.  The fee is established by state law. 
How do I update my address / employer / phone number / etc.?
You are required to report such changes in a timely manner.  Please access the OCS Child Support Customer Service WebPortal at to send a message to your case manager or send the information in an e-mail to
How can I find out if I have a payment?
You can call the Automated Payment Line toll-free at 1-800- 860–2555. You will set up a pin number the first time you call and enter this number each time you call. This insures that the information is only given to the parties involved. The payment line will tell you the date and amount of the payment that has been received. 

For case specific information, including a payment history please visit the OCS Customer Service Web Portal.

If you have the child support payment card, you can call toll-free 1-855-279-2744 to find out what funds are available or for other customer service options such as replacing a lost card or getting a printout. You can apply for the child support debit card with this application form link and it can also be used for setting up direct deposits into a bank account.
How do I make a payment?

You can make a payment with cash, check or a money order at our office at 7989 Dickey Drive, Lisbon, Oh 44432 between 8am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.

- OR -

You can send a check or money order to:
PO Box 182372
Columbus, OH 43218-2372
Please list the following information on the payment:

  • CSEA SETS Case number
  • Court Order number
  • Social Security Number of the Non Custodial Party

This ensures that the payment will be applied to the proper child support case.

You can pay online from your bank account or credit card at

How can I get a payment history?
Please visit the Child Support Customer Service Web Portal at .  At that site you will be able to access and print a payment history as well as other information about your child support case.
Why is my payment late?
If your payment is generated from an Income Withholding order to an employer or financial institution we are not able to take any action unless the payment is at least 5 business days later than expected.  However, if you believe there are other factors that may be contributing to the late payment such as a change in the Non-Custodial Party's employment status, please contact your Case Manager.
Why didn't I get the full amount this time?
There are several reasons why you may not have received a full payment.  Possibly the Non-Custodial Party did not work a full schedule and the employer was not able to withhold the entire amount.  Another reason may be because you have already received the full amount of support due you for the month.  In that case all or part of an additional payment may be applied to arrearages due the state or to administrative fees.
Why can't I get through to my Case Manager? 
Your Case Manager is responsible for hundreds of other cases.  He/She will make every attempt to return your call as soon as possible.  When you leave a message please be sure to provide clear and complete contact information as well as your SETS number or your SSN.  Visit the Child Support Customer Service Web Portal at for specific payment information.  General information can also be found on this website, the Columbiana County DJFS website.
How do I get a Child Support Order started?
If you do not currently have a child support case you can access the Establishment Packet on this web site by going to Support Establishment.  To begin the process, complete the packet and return it to the agency.  If you are in the process of filing paper work with the court to establish a child support order, you do not need to complete the packet.  The Child Support Agency will receive a copy of the order once it has been filed.
How do I get Genetic Testing?
Private genetic testing can be completed by contacting and paying a genetic testing lab directly.  To establish paternity legally through genetic testing, you can apply for services from CSEA, and the agency will schedule and conduct genetic testing. Visit Paternity Establishment on this website.  You are encouraged to contact the agency to discuss your specific situation.
How can you make him/her pay?
The Child Support Agency has many tools and initiatives that we utilize to collect child support payments.  We base enforcement actions on specific case circumstances.  It is our goal and intention to collect child support on every case.  As we endeavor to do so we sometimes encounter barriers and situations that prove difficult to overcome.  In these cases, we may attempt several different enforcement actions in order to find one that is effective.  We will continue to provide collection services as long as there is money due on a case.  We rely on information that the Custodial Parent is able to provide to us.  If you have location information or employment information please access the Child Support e-mail from this website and send the information to the agency.  Please visit our Enforcement page.
When does my order stop?
In Ohio, the current child support order typically stops when your child has turned 18 and has graduated, or turns 19 and has continuously attended an accredited high school.  The court can deviate from these guidelines.  Visit our Terminations/Emancipations page.
My child now lives with me, can I stop paying?
You must contact any attorney to petition the court for a change of custody order.  You may petition the court on your own but your documents must accurately reflect the format and the information required by the court.
What is Cash Medical?
Cash medical is an order, separate from the Child Support Order or the Medical Support Order, that is added to a case with the intent that it will be used for extraordinary medical expenses not covered by health insurance.  
What is caretaker redirection?
Caretaker redirection is when the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) decides to send child support payments to a caretaker instead of the child's parent. This happens when the caretaker is the person taking care of the child and needs the financial support to help them with the child's needs.  
Who is considered a caretaker?
A "caretaker" is anyone who takes care of the child and is not the child’s biological parent. This includes:
  • Someone who has cared for the child for at least 30 days and is the main person taking care of the child.
  • A person who is getting public assistance for the child.
  • Someone or an agency that has legal custody of the child, like a foster care agency or a county agency.
  • A guardian who takes care of the child’s needs.
  • Any court or agency with custody of the child.
Does a "host family" qualify as a caretaker?
No, a "host family" does not count as a caretaker. Host families usually take care of children temporarily, so they don’t qualify for caretaker redirection.
Why would child support be redirected to a caretaker?
Child support may be redirected to a caretaker to make sure the money meant for the child’s needs goes to the person who is actually taking care of the child every day.
How do I know if I qualify for caretaker redirection?
If you are the main person taking care of the child and meet the qualifications in the law, you might qualify. This could mean you’re a legal guardian or receiving public assistance for the child. To find out for sure, contact our office.
Can a caretaker be someone who is not a family member?
Yes, a caretaker can be someone who isn’t a family member, such as a foster parent, legal guardian, or a public agency that has custody of the child. The key is that the caretaker is responsible for the child's care.
How do I apply for caretaker redirection of child support?
To apply, contact our office. They will help you figure out if you qualify and guide you through the process.
How does the CSEA decide if redirection is needed?
The CSEA will look at the situation and check if the caretaker is really taking care of the child. If they decide that the child support should go to the caretaker, they will make the change.